Presentazione 2019

INTERPLAY festival is dedicated to the youngest generations from the newest panorama of contemporary dance; from May 21st through May 30th in Turin, 13 among the best national and international dance companies will be on stage.
The festival crosses international dance paths to shows brave aesthetics and poetic choices coming from different countries and backgrounds.
The innovation of this Nineteenth edition is to propose a swinging program between traditional stages in theatres and urban settings (INTERPLAY DIFFUSO) as unconventional public places, Art Galleries, Museums, University classrooms, and shopping centres.

There will be 25 companies with more than 100 artists coming from all over the world, there will be fresh debuts with premiers and site -specific performances: new generations will dialogue with well renown well-known names.

The opening will be at Teatro Astra on May 21st, with two companies of great importance: the young ENRICO&GINEVRA – with Italian and German backgrounds – will present the new creation Harleking, already marked by the critics as “astonishing” (D&D-Dec/2018); Aerowaves  2019 selected them as best representatives of Italian companies. The same day there will be BROTHER by the Portuguese MARCO DE SILVA FERREIRA. The show, already selected by Aerowaves Twenty18, is a true explosion of vitality with 7 interpreters and it still draws attention in the major International circuits. The musicians Rui Lima and Sérgio Martins will also be on stage with a choreography  that puts the accent on the mimic, the rhythm and the sounds measured with gestures.

On May 22nd there will be 4 performances, totally different from each other and housed in two contrapositive places. The public square of Parco Dora Shopping Centre, which is a mix of postmodern and commercial architecture, will frame the format OPEN SHARING – tiny pills of dance –  with dancers from NOD and Ninarello’s lab, and the biting performance A PESO MORTO by CARLO MASSARI from C&C company. The show takes place in a suburbia with no time and no identity, where the leading dancer senses himself as a background actor in a city he doesn’t recognise; his jarring act rises from the same suburb he chose to passively live in, a suburb that has been violently subtracted from the new definition of “metropolitan city”. It is a suburb that could have several meanings as well as no meaning, and thus drowns in its own oblivion.

This performance will be replied at Galleria NOIRE, where the program will follow afterward. Here there will be ULTRAS Sleeping Dances, solo version, by CRISTINA KRISTAL RIZZO. This show is generated by a dynamic system of “mobile” dance as a unique habitat. Rizzo is in the Italian contemporary dance scene since the very first Nineties, her choreographies have received a lot of national and international recognitions.

On May 23rd the festival will be at Lavanderia a Vapore, in Collegno (To). The evening will be divided into  two acts. The first one will be with two young emerging dancers who will be performing short formats, while the second one will be with two internationally acclaimed artists. FABIO LIBERTI will be in a duo performance that investigates relational dependences: the relation between the two evolves in a concession and yet in an imposition starting with a kiss, a physical contact which is the limit and the spark at the same time, outburst and friction of an animal and rough instinct. Liberti has won several awards, among the others: the Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition 2018, and the Critic prize in Hannover International Choreography Competition 2014.

Liberti’s show will be followed by Ritornello by GRETA FRANCOLINI, a young choreographer from Tuscany. Her project is among the finalists for DNAppunti Coreografici 2017 and also selected for Anticorpi XL Vetrina 2018.

Then it will be the time for FORECASTING by Giuseppe Chico and Barbara Matijević, winner of the Jury’s Special Award at MESS, international festival, in Sarajevo (2016). Their work investigates the dark side of the web: Barbara Matijević performs using a laptop screen, on which we see flowing of original videos posted by anonymous users. She will be molding her body as an extension of the bi-dimensional video world.

During the second part of the evening there will be the Korean company GOBLIN PARTY, hosted as part of the International project CROSSING THE SEA, winner of the award Boarding Pass Plus Mibac. The show, named A SILVER KNIFE, is thought for four dancers and it smoothly shapes neat choreographic movements: here the peculiarities and the identities of the four dancers are clearly reviled and thus the feminine universe is shown as an incessant conflict that reveals the women’s strong and significant identities. The work draws inspiration from the Korean knife ‘Eunjangdo’, symbol of feminine adultery, used also against enemies and to committee suicide.

INTERPLAY DIFFUSO will go on at GAM/ Museo di Arte Moderna on May 24th, with short dance performances and some shows from international companies. It will be in Piazza Vittorio Veneto on May 25th with LA INTRUSA from Spain, winning company of the award Nacional de Danza (2015), directed by Virginia García, first place at Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid, and Damián Muñoz, one of the best and most important figures of the Spanish dance. CHEY JURADO will performe with the touching solo AGUA – best performance in Battle of the Year, First Award R16, best Performer at Masdanza Canaries and at Burgos in New York. The show in Piazza Vittorio could be classified as a true Metropolitan Blitz, and the visionary solo by STELLARIO DI BLASI will be there too. This act has been selected through the competition announcement Danza urbana XL promoted by Anticorpi.

On May 27th Interplay is at Casa del Teatro. Here there will be two of the most important Italian dance companies: MICHELE DISTEFANO’S MK and FRANCESCA FOSCARINI, both winners of Danza&Danza 2018 .

BERMUDAS by MK, with its 12 interpreters, is a magnetic pure dance show, a modular format that arrives at Interplay in its more complete form. Di Stefano won the award Danza&Danza in 2000 and 2018, and in 2014 receives received Leone d’Argento as best dance innovator at Biennale di Venezia. FRANCESCA FOSCARINI presents ANIMALE, a short choreographic masterpiece that is a powerful map full of physical and poetic signs, evoking a world which is both animal and human. Foscarini won the award Danza&Danza in 2018 as best emerging choreographer.

On May 28th INTERPLAY DIFFUSO will also be at Politecnico di Torino, an environment made of rational and squared architectural lines, becoming an authentic urban amphitheatre. Here there will be housed 3 site specific performances.  On May 29th at Casa del Teatro there will be MARKO FONSECA’ S LOS INNATO. The artist, from Costa Rica, presents CUENTA ATRAS, a masterful physical duo that magnetically attires the audience’s attention. On the same date there will also be Open Sharing, pills of dance by Nod and Ninarello dancers.

On May 29th, again at Casa del Teatro, there will be CHRISTOS PAPADOPOULOS from Greece, one of the best European head choreographer. His projects received immense approval, letting him stepping onto the international dance panorama. He will bring on stage the hypnotic OPUS, for 4 interpreters. The performance has been created in deep connection with classical music. The performers embody all the different sounds and instruments that build the composition. OPUS,  selected as one of the best acts at Aerowaves’18, comes to Interplay as part of an international tour. On the same night the stage will be shared with the Hungarian FERENC FEHÉER, an artist active since 2007, well known for his unique and eclectic style, a mix of freestyle and physical dance.

The festival will end on May 30th at Lavanderia a Vapore: the companies selected by Interplay will wave together with those selected by PDV and Casa Luft for Permutazioni announcement. This is a true positive experiment that shows how different realities can create synergies and aim to the same purpose, working together on common projects, sharing budgets and promotional activities.

The evening will be animated with light aperitifs and OUTDoor/INDoor shows. There will be 6 short- format performances with a final event: OPEN SOURCE, curated by BlaubArt – Dance webzine. It’s a shared interactive performance open to everyone, together with the artists of the last evening.

The night will start with the premiere of DOCUMENT, by the duo IVG&GREBEN, BTT/ Balletto Teatro di Torino company. The choreographers, Uri Ivgi from Israel and Johan Greben from Holland, in 2017 brought to Interplay the touching solo Object. During their individual careers, respectively with the Israelian Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, and the Dutch National Ballet, they both came out with great success. Their first collaboration was in 2013 with Carmen for the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company.

They Ivgi&Grebenhad been working together with several prestigious realities: Dansgroep Amsterdam, Modern Dance Turkey, Prague Chamber Ballet, Phoenix Dance Theatre, Scottish Ballet, and many others. In 2011 they won the Golden Mask Award in Moscow in the category Best Choreographer-ballet/contemporary dance.

In the Out Doors of Lavanderia, there will be LIOV, an hypnotic duo by DIEGO SINNIGER. The artist trained with Wim Vandekeybus, Anton Laschky and Jordi Cortés. He is known for creating a new moving technique with its own peculiarities: “coscienza muscolare” (muscles consciousness).
Interplay will come to an end with 3 more short-format performances.

SARA PISCHEDDA (selected at Vetrina XL) will present 120gr, a show where she dares using discreet irony, she talks about herself, she takes her clothes off, she dances on her own voice playing and making light of the current obsession for perfection.

BLOOM by MM Contemporary Dance Company, programmed already by PDV, will be the final guests at Interplay. They will perform on DANIELE NINARELLO’s choreographies for the project Prove d’Autore, by the network Anticopri xl. Then SOME REMAIN by ALEXANDRE FANDARD, show already selected for PERMUTAZIONI by Casa Luft.