31 May 2022 22:15

Teatro Astra Via Rosolino Pilo, 6 Torino

TOTEMICA, LITURGIA DELLA DISPERSIONE. The show was born in the period of the pandemic as a reflection on the contemporary human condition and its perpetual sense of omnipotence. The choreography shows an unrecognizable god in the present, concrete in history, living energy but expired in an unidentified limbo. Powerful mute drum that resonates at times. The performer falls into the most enigmatic silence of a new search for himself, without end. Like a fallen divinity who no longer knows who he is, who no longer recognizes himself in any place or creed. Totemica wants to be the physical and emotional testimony of this situation, in which a dispersed sacredness without footholds is inhabited.

MANFREDI PEREGO. Founder of MP.ideograms, winner of the Equilibrio Prize with the solo “Graphs of Silence”, he was Associate Choreographer at the National Center for Dance Production Scenario Pubblico/CZD for the three-year period 2019-2021. He has been collaborating steadily for 5 years with Balletto Teatro di Torino as choreographer and teacher for the company. He is associate choreographer for the triennium 2022/24 at the Milanoltre Festival.

CHIARA MONTALBANI. Dancer, choreographer and contemporary dance teacher. After intense training at internationally renowned centers including Rotterdam DanseAcademie and TrinityLaban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, she performs for numerous Italian and foreign companies. Since 2016, she collaborates permanently with the company MP.ideograms directed by Manfredi Perego. In parallel to her activity as a dancer, she is a dance teacher at several training courses.

By Manfredi Perego
With Chiara Montalbani
Lights Giovanni Garbo
Original music Paolo Codognola
Production MP.ideograms-TiR danza
With the support of Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Scenario Pubblico, Teatro Europa. Scuola danza Compagnia Era Acquario


durata 23'