Interplay Festival was created with the intention of presenting the kind of dance involving research closely tied to live music. The musical aspect − sonorous‚ acoustic‚ or paradoxically‚ its absence − has always been one of the festival’s characteristic elements.

With this year’s definition Dance Noise‚ “noise” therefore implies a value that’s not purely musical‚ but which becomes a strong and dominating presence in the shows that are hosted‚ a common denominator of a generation that has grown up with digital music and is surrounded by daily “noisiness”. In most of the shows‚ the music will be performed live‚ often of an electronic matrix‚ and will be in close relationship to the space.

The Festival’s formula follows that of the previous years‚ enriched by the addition of a few more events: shows inside theatres by renown companies‚ an evening in collaboration with the Piccolo Regio Laboratory’s season‚ inviting a well−known choreographer; the Metropolitan Blitzes with young choreographers performing around the city utilizing “Nomadic Stages”‚ both in the afternoons and evenings; a workshop held in collaboration with the 10th neighbourhood district with a final performance and in the end‚ the production of a show.

May 6th
Metropolitan Blitzes

from 5 to 7 p.m.
performances in some store display windows in Via Roma

Tardito/Rendina Company
by and with Federica Tardito and Aldo Rendina

Dall’Altra Parte
12⁄quarti Comapny
by and with Ambra Senatore

Lego Blitz
Il Cantiere Association
by and with Sara Marasso

Agar Comapany
by and with Paola Bianchi and Paola Chiama

Starting at 8 p.m.
Murazzi del Po
The Beach

Track 15 Natura Morta
Art De Pazze Company (Roma)
by Daniela De Angelis

Red Jacket
Laudati Company
by Simona Bertozzi
video producer and director N. Laudati

Le Supplici Company
by and with Fabrizio Favale
with Samuele Cardini‚ Martina Danieli and Fabrizio Favale

May 9th

Fonderie Teatrali Limone
9:30 p.m.
project sostanzasonora
by Michele Di Stefano (Roma)
produced by MK‚ Electro–acoustic synthesis crew‚ Santarcangelo dei Teatri‚ Zone Attive
in collaboration with Xing e Associazione Culturale Mosaico
system of data acquistion Kroonde LaKitchen‚ Parigi

Teatro delle Moire Company
by and with Attilio Nicoli (Milano)

May 10th

Fonderie Teatrali Limone
9:30 p.m.
Carnagione levigata bianca
Ersiliadanza Company
choreographyLaura Corradi
with Silvia Bertoncelli and Marta Bevilacqua
Project made possible by funding from the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturale
and Regione del Veneto

Serie B
Kinkaleri ( Firenze)
Two + Two – Two musicians + two dancers
project Kinkaleri
live sound project curated by Discogirotto
produced by Kinkaleri
supported by Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Dipartimento dello Spettacolo
Regione Toscana

May 11th

Fonderie Teatrali Limone
9:30 p.m.
Tre–il corpo in amore
Do Quintal Company (Milano–Torino)
by Eugenio De Mello
with Eugenio De Mello‚ Marcella Fanzaga‚ Marta Melucci‚
Attilio Nicoli Cristiani‚ Salvatore Salomone‚ Giulia d’imperio
choreography Eugenio De Mello
produced by Mosaicodanza

by and with Catia Dalla Muta (Bologna)

Carta 05
by and with Barbara Zanoni
music composed and played by Aleksandar Sasha Karlic

May 12th

Piccolo Regio
9 p.m.
An evening presented in collaboration with
the Piccolo Regio Laboratory’s season
I need more
Enzo Cosimi Company
by and with Enzo Cosimi
supported by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

May 14th
Metropolitan Blitzes

Metropolitan Blitz show/workshop
Il corpo trasparente
Conducted by Aldo Torta and Claudio Sportelli at the public parks
in Via Negarville of the 10th neighbourhood district‚
curated by the group Tecnologia Filosofica & Livinston Teatro:
The Transparent Body” with the kids that participated in the workshop.

May 18th
Metropolitan Blitzes

University of Torino
from 12 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Palazzo Nuovo building/ department of Formative Sciences‚ DAMS degree course.
Lego Blitz
Il Cantiere Association
by and with Sara Marasso
Mosaico Group
choreography Eugenio De Mello

May 18th

Fonderie Teatrali Limone
9:30 p.m.
Buio luce buio
Do Quintal Company(Milano–Torino)
by and with Francesca Proia (Ravenna)
produced by TCP Tanti Cosi Progetti

by and with Barbara Uccelli

AiEP Company (Milano)
by and with Ariella Vidach
supported by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

gruppo MosaicoDanza
choreography Eugenio De Mello
with Eleonora Ariolfo‚ Barbara Calì‚ Maria Cristina Fontanelle‚
Viola Ongaro‚ Francesca Perazzone‚Cristiana Valsesia
produced and organized by MosaicoDanza Cultural Association

21 maggio

Fonderie Teatrali Limone
9:30 p.m.
Silenzio di pietra
Egribianco Dance Company

a new creation choreographed by Raphael bianco
produced by TorinoDanza