MAddAI (Roma)

choreography Simona Lobefaro
dancer Alessandro Lumare
lighting design Riccardo Frezza
sound Riccardo Conti−Mir
costumes Francesca Sassi

Monday May 18th
from 7.30 p.m. to midnight
space > Vittoria Theatre‚ Via Gramsci 4 − Torino

The investigation undertaken regards that which is not clearly outlined‚ that cannot be described. The unfinished. It is a permeable body in its immaturity that’s being investigated‚ a body that denies its limitations‚ whose interactions swiftly mutate‚ whose presence is ambiguous and uncertain.
Inside a ring−container‚ the dancer enacts the many gradations that elapse between the “normal” and the “staged”.
The final result differs according to each performance.
While dealing with the theme of the unfinished‚ Acerbo elaborates an unfinished scenic modality‚ exposing the hidden aspects of her creative process‚ revealing the rules and unmasking the attempts.

MAddAI was founded in Rome in 2000‚ conceived by the choreographer Simona Lobefaro.
The Company has been hosted at many festivals in Italy and abroad: Lavori in pelle‚ Ammutinamenti‚ Danza Urbana‚ Enzimi‚ Danza und Tanz‚ Teatro Palladium‚ Danza da Bruciare‚ La Notte Bianca‚ Caresser Le Potager‚ Venti Ascensionali‚ Kilowatt‚ Frigo‚ Le Banquet‚ CRACK! Independent Comics Festival‚ Festarte‚ Teatri di Vetro‚ Corpo Franco‚ Body Shot‚ terra/TERRA‚ Danza nei Musei−Centrale Montemartini‚ Ubu Settete‚ Anticamere‚ Blitz‚ Uovo‚ Re−Boot‚ Frisch Eingetroffen‚ Contemporaneamente‚ Furore.Danze non stop...
With the project Time Remap−skip intro (contributions for the production from ZTL−pro for Scenari Indipendenti) MAddAI was a finalist for Premio Equilibrio 2008 award. MAddAI is integrated into the programming of the Eti Spaces for Contemporary Dance − Inter−regional Project of Lazio – Piedmont − Campania.
The group’s work is part of the Choreography in the 1900s program of Dams in Rome and is the subject of a thesis. Writings about the group can be found in: Hic Sunt Leones – Independent Scene in Rome by Graziano Graziani‚ Spaesamenti series edited by Paolo Ruffini‚ Editoria & Spettacolo 2007; catalogue in 2007 promoted by the Imaie.