INSIDE/OFF 2009/10


The purpose of the series directed by Natalia Casorati is to promote young choreographers from our Region‚ by creating a project divided into three different sectors aimed at enhancing the artistic quality of the performances‚ contributing economically to the new creations and helping our local realities circulate outside of the region and internationally. Each project is also attentive to the rapport with the audience‚ so the performances are free admission and always involve the viewers who are invited to participate in a final debate (following every performance) to express their doubts‚ judgements and opinions...

There are three kinds of projects

Headquarters Hospitality

Headquarters Hospitality has planned a calendar of shows where each evening a local dancer and a dancer from outside the region or from another European country present the “study” they’re working on to an audience. This project provides the opportunity of entering into contact with choreographers from other regions of Italy or other European countries‚ allowing for creative sharing and constructive comparison regarding both the poetics and training. The young choreographers are invited to present their new creations in the form of a study‚ a sort of step on their creative path‚ giving them the opportunity at the end of the performance to discuss it with the audience‚ fellow dancers and the hosting organizers.

The Choreographic Residency is based on an international model

Young choreographers are offered the possibility of working on the study of a new creation at our performance space with a continuity of time for several days free of charge. At the end of the residency‚ there will be a presentation in the evening open to the general public and friends‚ but in a protected situation where everyone is aware that the work has just been begun. The news this year is the newborn collaboration with the Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois TROIS C−L in Luxembourg and with Zodiak Center for new dance in Helsinki‚ Finland.
We will host a choreographer proposed by them for several days and their structure will allow one of our choreographers to have a residency at their space in 2010/11. This is a vital project for entering into contact with new dancers and new experts‚ opening up possibilities for future perspectives.

Piedmont Choreographer’s on tour

Thanks to the networks that have been activated in recent years‚ and particularly that of the French festival LES REPERAGES in Lille of the Lille Dance CDC of Roubaix (15 organizational partners from 15 different countries‚ of which we are the only representatives from Italy) and the national festival with the 8 partners of the ANTICOPRPI XL network (8 regions‚ of which we are the only partner from Piedmont)‚ we have been able count on shared planning so that economic aid can be offered to help the circuiting of our young choreographers. This is what happened with the Dance Roads events in February ’08‚ that allowed young Eleonora Ariolfo to go on tour for more than a month through events organized by our foreign partners‚ and also Ambra Senatore‚ who presented her performances through the circuit of Anticorpi XL (2007/08)‚ just like the duo Tecnologia Filosofica with their acclaimed show “YY” (2008/09)‚ and as will happen to the new group from Turin‚ ZeroGrammi‚ selected to participate from the Original Young Dance Showcase in Ravenna (Sept. ’09)‚ organized by the partners of the Anticorpi XL network‚ that allows the young group selected to become part of the network’s circuit and tour their show all over Italy.

New collaborations | MERCATI COMUNI/marchés communs

This year a new collaboration was established with some French partners from regions in the south of France‚ an Italian group from Genoa‚ Corpi Urbani (Urban Bodies) and the TPE Foundation in Turin‚ for the creation of a travelling show to be performed in an urban space at the various cities participating in the project‚ with choreographers proposed by each of the partners. The choreographer chosen from Turin was Sara Marasso.

Main objectives

The main objectives of the project are twofold: on one hand‚ that of helping the circuiting of our choreographers by creating opportunities for them to meet new organizers‚ new countries and new colleagues‚ and on the other hand‚ to help them economically so that these opportunities can be achieved. Italian groups have always been little known outside of Italy‚ so we strongly believe that an economic help to pay for travel and lodging expenses and the possibility of meeting the Choreographic Centers willing to host them can truly contribute a lot toward our choreographers becoming known abroad.
Another aim is that of helping with a co−production of young choreographers selected by the Headquarters Hospitality sector‚ so that after the presentation of their “study𔃉‚ they may continue to work on their project.

Audience Training

Inside/off is addressed to everyone: all sorts of different projects mean that we have different kinds of audience members‚ from those of the dance world who love to interact with the young choreographers in the discussions at the end of the events held at our headquarters‚ to the elderly who stop to watch the outdoor urban dance shows‚ to the young people who come all the way to our performance space in Cavoretto in any season... because the events are free and a glass of wine is offered at the end of the evening and one can stay and join in the discussion‚ and everyone can express their own opinion‚ like in television.

news choreographic residencies

5/12 October 2009
Maura Dessì and Andrea Gallo Rosso (Torino)
study for M.A. Place
space > Mosaico Cultural Association

2/5 march 2010
with Gianluca Pezzino and Caterina Mochi Sismondi
performance 12 march 2010
space > Mosaico Cultural Association
09:00 p.m.

6/12 March 2010
Annick Pütz (Luxembourg)
performance March 12th 2010
space > Mosaico Cultural Association 09:00 p.m.
in collaboration with
Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois TROIS C−L - Luxembourg

6/11 June 2010
Joona Halonen (Finland)
performance June 11th 2010
space > Mosaico Cultural Association 09:00 p.m.
in collaboration with
Zodiak‚ Center for new dance - Helsinki | Finland