Interplay, the festival that brings companies and choreographers from around the world to Turin in the spring, with shows in theaters as well as site-specific events in museums and performances in urban spaces of the city, returns from May 18 to June 10, 2016.

30 companies from 15 foreign countries and many Italian regions will be hosted, presenting 11 national debuts and 14 regional debuts... companies that received important awards and participated in prestigious events and festivals dedicated to the new generation of contemporary dance.

The complexity of contemporary life is intertwined with our daily lives, especially in a Europe that is changing and showing new wounds, inevitably reflected in the artistic expressions and the social role that these take on. This has led us to meditate on the meaning of aesthetic experience today, on the choices that an artistic director has to make, and once again, the importance of supporting the arts and culture in order to strengthen intercultural dialogue among artists as a significant added value in respect of reciprocal diversity.

The festival starts at the Teatro Astra (May 18 and 20), moves on to the Fonderie Teatrali Limone (May 23, 27, and 28), then moving on to the Lavanderia a Vapore in Collegno (May 25 and 31), whereas the Metropolitan Blitzes will take place on various places, from Piazza Vittorio Veneto (May 21) to the site-specific events at the MEF Museo Ettore Fico (June 10), as well as in the OUT (outdoor) areas of some theaters.